About Us
At Lens & Land, we are passionate about high quality photography leading to increased click-through rates on listings driving increased viewings.
The use of 3D scanning technology to provide virtual tours and interactive visits within a property listing is an incredible way to showcase your property and is proven to increase customer engagement with your listings. Showing your clients tours of the property with the furniture removed and with exact measurements available is a brand new way to wow your customers and elevate your listings.
I am passionate about aerial photography and videography and the incredible images that a high vantage point can offer. With over a decade of experience in flying drones of all shapes and sizes and over 20 years experience of flying radio-control fixed-wing and helicopters, I have seen the rapid changes in the industry and feel well-placed to offer affordably-priced flights that are conducted with safety at the very heart of each operation.
Small but mighty…
At Lens & Land, we work professionally under a framework of regulations set out by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). Over recent years, these regulations have been tightened and the flight of drones over 250g in urban centres and areas of high congestion have been regulated heavily.
This meant that building photography in cities and towns became prohibitively expensive and complicated when flying heavier drones due to the potential risk they posed to uninvolved persons.
A new class of ultra-light drones has since become available and these offer all the benefits of advanced camera systems but on drones that can be flown with a high margin of safety, even in crowded areas. We have chosen to focus on professionally flying these platforms so that we can continue to offer competitively priced flights in tight spaces and urban settings.
“I believe in the power of disruptive new technology to bring new business solutions to the consumer. We are now capable of offering drone flights that would have been impossible or immensely expensive only five or ten years ago”
Oscar Chambers-Smith (founder)
Safety at the heart of every flight
When undertaking any flight, we pride ourselves on safe operating procedures at all times. We undertake robust risk assessments to profile the risk of every job before we attend. We assess risk before and during all operations and we abide by all relevant laws and regulations around unmanned aerial systems.
We also understand the human factors within our industry. We pride ourselves on effective and clear communication with our customers and with uninvolved persons in the vicinity of our operations. We take privacy very seriously and our images and videos are thoroughly inspected before job completion to ensure that they fully abide with privacy laws.